
Alt My Skills

text if the image fails to load

For non commercial use

For commercial use, apps have been developed and are in testing. Stay tuned.

These programs are for anyone that lives in the command line interface (ie cmd.exe) and changes folders frequently. while this shows only one slot being saved, it will be enhanced to save many slots with additional enhancements.

The core of this Project are two files, SavePath and Return,

Both will be simplified to sp.cmd and rt.cmd for efficiency sake.

File Short Form Contents
SavePath sp.cmd set "ReturnSlot=%cd%"
Return rt.cmd cd /D %ReturnSlot%

Copy the Contents into each file, note that there is only one line in each file.

Save the two files in a folder that is in the %PATH% variable.

To run the quick demo, do the following from a command prompt.

In the current directory, type in sp.cmd and press enter.

This saves the current directory as a return slot.

Navigate to another folder.

In that folder, type in rt.cmd and press enter.

The command will return you to the folder where you saved the path (slot).

Will be updating the apps every week or two till complete.

Future parameters Explanation
Numbers numbered slots 1-9
Letters lettered slots A-G
Global makes the slot global
Help shows the help file
Name names a folder, very powerful
Purge purges slots
Delete deletes slots
Restore restores slots from file
Save saves slots to file
Show shows the used slots
Ver shows the savepath version
Misc error control
Misc save to program files x86

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